Dataset 80 ·

216 Datapoints
2011 · Added by S. Jacquet · Last modified: 20.02.2007

Related to: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography

Chief Scientist: Brian Griffith


Ocean & Region

Southern Ocean · Australian sector of the Southern Ocean the SubTropical Zone (STZ) the SubTropical Front (STF) the SubAntarctic Zone (SAZ) the SubAntarctic Front (SAF northern and southern branch) the Polar Front (PF-N northern branch) the Polar Front Zone (PFZ)


Max. Latitude


Min. Latitude


Max. Longitude


Min. Longitude


Date Start


Date End


Bloom Stage: P1 was sampled around the time of the climatological seasonal bloom peak P2 was sampled two months after and P3 was sampled in the midst of the bloom

More metadata

  • Data

    Data localization Figure 2 and 3 and 6

    Data resource:

  • Methods

    238U_method salinity-derived Chen et al. 1986

    Total_234th_method 4L of seawater collected using 10 L Niskin bottles mounted on a rosette.

    Particulate_234th_method large-volume filtration using McLane Research Inc. battery operated in-situ pumps.

    Comments 0

  • Aditional data YES: POC:234Th ratios from sediment traps