Dataset 47 ·

59 Datapoints
1999 · Added by M. Charette and B. Moran · Last modified: 11.06.1996

Related to: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography


Ocean & Region

Atlantic Ocean · subtropical and equatorial Atlantic Ocean


Max. Latitude


Min. Latitude


Max. Longitude


Min. Longitude


Date Start


Date End


More metadata

  • Data

    Data localization Table 1 and 2 and 3 Figure 6

    Data resource:

  • Methods

    238U_method salinity-derived Chen et al. 1986

    Total_234th_method dissolved plus particulate

    Dissolved_234th_method two MnO2 impregnated cartridges connected in series to scavenge dissolved 234Th

    Particulate_234th_method filter

    Comments Large-volume samples were collected in three ways: (1) with a rosette configured for 200L samples (2) from a deck pump for samples less than 20 m deep and (3) from the ships PVC seawater intake system for surface samples (~3 m) during transit. Values with code "-555" in column "J" indicate single vertically integrated sample for 234Th concentration measurements. Values in column "K" indicate the integration depth interval. Same for columns "U-V" and "AT-AU"

  • Aditional data 0