Dataset 26 ·

14 Datapoints
1986 · Added by K. Bruland and K. Coale · Last modified: 09.09.1980

Related to: Book: Dynamic Processes in the Chemistry of the Upper Ocean pp 159-172. Springer US


Ocean & Region

Pacific Ocean · California Current (VERTEX) the central North Pacific and the central South Pacific. Transect from oligotrophic subtropical gyres to eutrophic eastern boundary and equatorial divergence zones


Max. Latitude


Min. Latitude


Max. Longitude


Min. Longitude


Date Start


Date End


More metadata

  • Data

    Data localization Chapter 2 Figure 2

    Data resource:

  • Methods

    238U_method salinity-derived Ku et al. 1977

    Total_234th_method dissolved plus particulate

    Dissolved_234th_method 20-litre Cubitainers

    Particulate_234th_method 55-110 litres of seawater collected with Teflon-coated 30-litre Top-Drop or Go-Flo Samplers

    Comments Dissolved and particualte 234Th data reported (i.e. columns "R" and "X") are actually Th/U ratios. Data to estimate total and particulate 234Th concetrations not available. Note: data from VERTEX I and CEROP III first published in Coale and Bruland 1985 and not compiled here.

  • Aditional data 0