Dataset 104 ·

126 Datapoints
2005 · Added by Q. Ma · Last modified: 30.09.2003

Ocean & Region

Arctic Ocean · western Arctic Ocean


Max. Latitude


Min. Latitude


Max. Longitude


Min. Longitude


Date Start


Date End


Minimum Deph

-175 m

Maximum Deph

-76 m


Second Chinese Arctic Expedition

Bloom Stage: bloom

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  • Data
  • Methods

    238U_method salinity-derived Chen et al. 1986

    Total_234th_method integrated samples: a total volume of 30 dm3 was collected at four or five depths from surface to 30m/40 m(1 10 20 30 40 m)at stations in the shelf region and from surface to 100 m (1 25 50 75 100 m) at stations in the slope and the deep ocean

    Particulate_234th_method integrated samples 22 dm3 of seawater was collected at 40 m or 100 m depth in which 20 dm3 water was used for particulate 234Th and the other for POC measurement

    Comments Vertically integrated sampling approach (VISA) followed details in Chen et al. 2000. Values with code "-555" in column "U" indicate single vertically integrated sample for 234Th concentration measurements. Values in column "V" indicate the integration depth interval.

  • Aditional data 0